Thursday, February 14, 2019

2019 UFHL deadline

2019 UFHL deadline

  • Sunday March 3, 2019
  • 11:59 PST
  • Post needs to be on the chat at 11:59, it can be confirmed by 2nd party in the morning but original post needs to be sent, unedited. If its edited, it wont be accepted.
  • Trades prior to Saturday March 2nd at 1PM EST will be processed and handled for next week's updated. Anything posted at 1:01 PM EST will go into the following week's transactions even if its major or minor. 
  • Please, please, please, do NOT submit your OP with transactions that wont be approved for the following week. Only submit stuff that is relevant to the upcoming week. If i have to track you down, your entire week will NOT get processed under any circumstance. This is very simple to understand. Thank you.
If anyone has anything else that should be clarified, please notify Ken and he will edit this post.

Good luck.